This is a list of items that have been recently added to the Online Library or the VLE. As we are continually adding content to the Online Library and VLE, you can check this list to see if an item you were unable to access previously has become available.
Last updated: 28 February 2018
Democracy and democratisation (PS3086)
Development management (DV3165)
Foreign policy analysis (IR2137)
Geographies of development (GY2109)
Human Resource Management (MN3075)
Information systems development and management (IS2062)
Innovating digital systems and services (IS2182)
Introduction to information systems (IS1060)
Introduction to modern political thought (PS1130)
Nationalism and international relations (IR2084)
Organisation theory: an interdisciplinary approach (MN3127)
Political analysis and public choice (PS3108)
Research project in information systems (IS3159)
World history since 1945 (IR1034)
Abstract mathematics (MT2116)
1. Bryant, Victor (1990) Yet Another Introduction to Analysis
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 06/12/2017
Comparative Politics (PS2082)
1. Emmanuel, N. (2010) Undermining co‐operation: donor‐patrons and the failure of political conditionality. Democratization, 17 (5), pp.
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2. Lijphart, A. (1999) Patterns of democracy
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 15/12/2017
Corporate Finance (FN3092)
Hillier D., Grinblatt, M. and S. Titman (2011) Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy.
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 28/2/2018
Democracy and democratisation (PS3086)
1. Przeworski, A. (1991) Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 06/12/2017
2. Galbraith, J.K. (2017) The culture of contentment.
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 15/12/2017
Development management (DV3165)
1. North, D. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. (Cambridge: CUP, 1990) [ISBN 9780521397346]
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 06/12/2017
2. Olson, M. (2009) The Logic of Collective Action
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3. Wade, R. (1990) Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian industrialization.Chapter 11.
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Economics of labour (EC3015)
1. Ehrenberg, R.G. and R.S. Smith, Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 22/11/2017
Financial Management (AC3059)
Brealey, R.A., S.C. Myers and F. Allen (2013) Principles of corporate finance.
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 28/2/2018
Foreign policy analysis (IR2137)
Smith, S et al (2012) Foreign policy: theories, actors, cases. Chapters 8 and 12
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Further calculus (MT2176)
1. Ostaszewski, A. (1991) Advanced mathematical methods
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 06/12/2017
Geographies of development (GY2109)
1. Biles, James (2009) Informal work in Latin America: competing perspectives and recent debates. Geography Compass, 3 (1), pp. 214‐36
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2. Chant, Sylvia (2003) Gender in Latin America, Chapter 7 'Gender, Families and Households', pp.161‐193
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3. Gould, W.T.S. (2008) Population and development
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Potter, R et al (2012) Understanding development. In: Potter, R et al (eds) Key concepts in development geography. Sage. pp13-57
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Historical Sociology (SC3144)
1. Smith, Anthony D. (1998) Nationalism and Modernism: A Critical Survey of Recent Theories of Nations and Nationalism, Chapter 6 'Invention and imagination', pp. 117‐142
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Dean, M (1999) Governmentality: power and rule in modern society. Sage.
In Online Library.
Human geography (GY1009)
1. Lacoste, Y. (1973) An Illustration of Geographical Warfare: bombing of the dikes on the Red River, North Vietnam. Antipode, 5 (2), pp.1-13
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2. Know, P and Marson, S (eds) Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 15/12/2017
Human Resource Management (MN3075)
1. Ambrose, M., R.L. Hess and K.S. Law (2007) The relationship between justice and attitudes: an examination of justice effects on event and system related attitudes. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 103 (1), pp. 21-36
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2. Bamberger, P. and I. Meshoulam (2000) Human resource strategy
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 22/11/2017
3. Baron, J. and Kreps, D. (1999) Strategic human resources – frameworks for general managers, Chapter 4 ‘Employment and Economics’ and Chapter 8 'Internal Labor Markets’, pp. 62‐94 and 167‐188
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4. Coyle‐Shapiro, J.A–M. and L. Shore (2007) The employee‐organization relationship: where do we go from here? Human Resource Management Review, 17, pp. 166‐79
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Information systems development and management (IS2062)
1. Ciborra, C. U. (1994) Strategic Information Systems, 'The grassroots of IT and strategy', pp. 3-24
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2. Fountain, J.E. (2001) Building the Virtual State: Information Technology and Institutional Change, Chapter 4, pp. 44‐63
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3. Land, F.F. and R.A. Hirschheim (1983) Participative systems design: rationale, tools and technique. Journal of Applied Systems Analysis, 10, pp. 91‐106
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4. Lin, A., and T. Cornford (2000) New Sociotech: Graffiti on the Long Wall, 'Sociotechnical perspectives on emergence phenomena', pp. 51‐60
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5. Paul, D., and D. Yeates (2006) Business Analysis, Chapter 8 'Business process modelling', pp. 113‐35
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Van Grembergen, W. and De Haes, S (2009) Enterprise governance of Information Technology: achieving strategic alignment and value. New York: Springer.
In Online Library.
Innovating digital systems and services (IS2182)
Pressman, R.S. and B.R. Maxim (2015) Software engineering: a practitioner's approach.
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 28/2/2018
International political economy (IR3026)
Gilpin, R (1987) The political economy of international relations.
In Online Library.
O'Brien, R. & Williams, M. (2014) The global political economy: evolution and dynamics.
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 15/12/2017
Introduction to information systems (IS1060)
1. Avgerou, C. and T. Cornford (1998) Developing information systems: concepts, issues and practice, Chapter 6 'Concepts and theories', pp. 112‐140
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Introduction to modern political thought (PS1130)
1. G.W.F. Hegel (1991) Elements of the Philosophy of Right, pp.275‐304 and pp.360‐371
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Monetary economics (EC3115)
1. Dornbusch, R. (1992) Lessons from experience with high inflation. The World Bank Economics Review, 6, pp. 13-31
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2. Hargreaves Heap, S.P. (1992) The New Keynesian Macroeconomics: Time, Belief and Social Independence, Chapter 4 'The New Classical Macroeconomics', pp. 59‐78
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3. Hoover, K.D. (1988) The New Classical Macroeconomics. Chapter 3.
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4. Williamson, S (2017) Macroeconomics.
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 15/12/2017
Nationalism and international relations (IR2084)
1. Mayall, J. (1990) Nationalism and International Society
In Online Library. Date added to this page: 06/12/2017
2. Mill, J. S. (1993) Utilitarianism; Liberty; Representative Government, Chapter 16 'Of Nationality, as connected with Representative Government', pp. 391‐98
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Organisation theory: an interdisciplinary approach (MN3127)
Douma, S and Schreuder, H (2012) Economic approaches to organizations. Pearson.
In Online Library.
Political analysis and public choice (PS3108)
1. Dowding, K., P. John, T. Mergoupis and M. van Vugt (2000) Exit, voice and loyalty: analytic and empirical developments. European Journal of Political Research, 37 (4), pp. 469–95
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2. Hargreaves Heap, S., M. Hollis, B. Lyons, R. Sugden and A. Weale (1992) The theory of choice: a critical guide, pp. 1-14
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3. Shepsle, K.A. and Mark S. Bonchek (1997) Analyzing politics: rationality, behavior and institutions, Chapter 2 'Rationality: the model of choice', pp. 15‐35
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Research project in information systems (IS3159)
1. Hart, C. (1998) Doing a Literature Review, Chapter 3 'Classifying and reading research', pp. 44‐78
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Strategy (MN3119)
1. Smith, K.G., W.J. Ferrier and H. Ndofor ‘Competitive dynamics research: critique and future directions’, in M.A. Hitt, R.E. Freeman and J.S. Harrison (eds) (2001) The Blackwell Handbook of Strategic Management, pp. 314–61
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World history since 1945 (IR1034)
1. Bird, T. and A. Marshall (2011) Afghanistan: How the West lost its way
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2. Anderson, T.H. (2011) Bush's Wars
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