Celebrating World Book Day!

To celebrate World Book Day, the Online Library is sharing a few of our new books for all our students to enjoy!

rose on poetry book

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All the sonnets of Shakespeare

Edited by Paul Edmondson and Stanley Wells

 This beautifully presented book includes an introduction and explanatory notes for every poem.  Sonnets are in chronological order and the book includes all the sonnets from plays alongside the familiar 154 poems in the 1609 collection. 


image of two diplomats at podiums

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Foreign policy breakthroughs: cases in successful diplomacy

Robert Hutchings

An inspiration for modern times, this book aims to reinvent democracy for the current age through sharing historic success stories.


picture in pink of three individuals with legal scales

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Diverse Voices in Tort Law

Kirsty Horsey

Part of a series that aims to amplify voices that are usually left out of traditional law reading lists, this book looks at the impact of law on marginalized groups. This refreshing new look at tort law discusses a range of topics including; human rights, the environment, and women's health.