This guide to finding essential readings in the Online Library databases provides assistance in locating the essential readings for Alternative Dispute Resolution.
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The Online Library provides resource discovery tools to help you to locate resources in the Online Library databases:
- Summon : search the Summon journals search engine for journal articles and eBooks.
- The A-Z Journals List : search the A-Z journals list to find out which database a journal, book, or law report series is in, and then log into the relevant database.
- JustisOne : search JustisOne for cases and legislation. JustisOne is a single point of entry for your legal research, which cross-references case law and legislation, helping you to find leading authorities and determine whether a case is good law.
Access to the reported versions of cases is available via direct links to the source of the report (where available) in legal databases such as Westlaw and LexisLibrary. For further information see the JustisOne Getting Started Guide.
See the Online Library in a Nutshell guide for laws for information on getting started using the Online Library.
If you require assistance contact the Online Library Enquiry Service.
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Topic 9 Topic 10 Topic 11 Topic 12 Topic 13 Topic 14 Topic 15 Topic 16 Topic 17 Topic 18 Topic 19Topic 1
Essential reading 1
Roberts, S. and M. Palmer Dispute processes: ADR and the primary forms of decision-making. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) 2nd edition
- This ebook is available in Cambridge Core where you can log in with your student portal password and begin your search for the ebook.
- Once logged in search for the author and first few words of the title using the search box on the home page.
- Alternatively, go directly to the book.
Essential reading 2
Cappelletti, M. ‘Alternative dispute resolution processes within the framework of the world-wide access-to-justice movement’, The Modern Law Review 56(3) 1993, pp.282–96.
- This journal article is available in HeinOnline.
- Log into HeinOnline with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the title into the search box at the top of the homepage to find the article.
Essential reading 3
Antaki, N.N. ‘Chapter 11: Cultural diversity and ADR practices in the world’ in Goldsmith, J.C., A. Ingen-Housz and G.H. Pointon (eds), ADR in business: practice and issues across countries and cultures 1. (Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2006)
- This ebook is available from Kluwer Arbitration. Access to Kluwer Arbitration requires a Kluwer Arbitration username and password, which you can request by contacting the Online Library request form.
- Login and go directly to the chapter.
Topic 2
Essential reading 1
Sander, F.E.A. and L. Rozdeiczer ‘Matching cases and dispute resolution procedures: detailed analysis leading to a mediation-centred approach’, Harvard Negotiation Law Review 11 2006, pp. 1
- This journal article is available in HeinOnline (and Academic Search Complete).
- Log into HeinOnline with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the title into the search box at the top of the homepage to find the article.
Essential reading 3
Rabinovich-Einy, O. and E. Katsh ‘A new relationship between public and private dispute resolution: lessons from online dispute resolution’, Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution 32(4) 2017, pp.695–724
- This journal article is available in HeinOnline.
- Log into HeinOnline with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the title into the search box at the top of the homepage to find the article.
Topic 3
Essential reading 3
Sorabji, J. ‘The online solutions court – a multi-door courthouse for the 21st century’, Civil Justice Quarterly 36(1) 2017, pp.86–108.
- This journal article is available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the article title into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal article.
Essential reading 4
Cortes, P. ‘The online court – filling the gaps of the civil justice system?’, Civil Justice Quarterly 36(1) 2017, pp.109–26.
- This journal article is available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the article title into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal article.
Topic 4
Essential reading 2
Ahmed, M. ‘Implied compulsory mediation’, Civil Justice Quarterly 31(2) 2012, pp.151–75.
- This journal article is available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the article title into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal article.
Topic 5
Essential reading 3
Roberts, S. and M. Palmer Dispute processes, ADR and the primary forms of decision-making. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005) 2nd edition. Chapter 5, G, Ethical Issues in negotiation, pp.146–51
- This ebook is available in Cambridge Core where you can log in with your student portal password and begin your search for the eBook.
- Once logged in search for the author and first few words of the title using the search box on the home page.
- Alternatively, go directly to the book.
Essential reading 4
Spencer, D. and M. Brogan Mediation law and practice. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) Chapter 6, pp.182–6, pp.202–12 (up to but not including Ethical standards for mediators) and pp.214–22
- This ebook is available in Cambridge Core where you can log in with your student portal password and begin your search for the eBook.
- Once logged in search for the author and first few words of the title using the search box on the home page.
- Alternatively, go directly to the book.
Topic 6
Topic 7
Essential reading 2
P.H. Gulliver ‘Negotiations as a mode of dispute settlement: towards a general model’, Law & Society Review 7(4) 1973, pp.667–92.
- This journal article is available in HeinOnline.
- Log into HeinOnline with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the title into the search box at the top of the homepage to find the article.
Essential reading 3
Lewicki, R.J. and R.J. Robinson ‘Ethical and unethical bargaining tactics: an empirical study’, Journal of Business Ethics 17(6) 1998, pp.665–82.
- This journal article is available in JSTOR.
- Log into JSTOR with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the title into the search box on the homepage to find the article.
- This journal article is also available from ABI/Inform Global.
Essential reading 4
Banas, J.T. and J.M. Parks ‘Lambs among lions? The impact of ethical ideology on negotiation behaviours and outcomes’, International Negotiation 7(2) 2002, pp.235–60
- This journal article is available in HeinOnline.
- Log into HeinOnline with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the title into the search box at the top of the homepage to find the article.
- This journal article is also available from Business Source Premier.
Topic 8
Essential reading 1
Spencer, D. and M. Brogan Mediation law and practice. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) Chapter 3 The theory and philosophy of mediation.
- This ebook is available in Cambridge Core where you can log in with your student portal password and begin your search for the eBook.
- Once logged in search for the author and first few words of the title using the search box on the home page.
- Alternatively, go directly to the book.
Essential reading 3
Menkel-Meadow, C. ‘Chapter 3 The future of mediation worldwide: legal and cultural variations in the uptake of or resistance to mediation’ in Macduff, I. (ed) Essays on mediation: dealing with disputes in the 21st century: global trends in dispute resolution. (Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer, 2016)
- This ebook is avaiable from Kluwer Arbitration.
- Please note: to access Kluwer Arbitration you need to request a password from the Online Library.
- Enter the author of the chapter (Menkel-Meadow) into the search box on the homepage to locate the reading.
- Alternatively, go directly to the book chapter.
Essential reading 4
Waye, V. ‘Mandatory mediation in Australia’s civil justice system’, Common Law World Review 45(2–3) 2016, pp.214–35.
- This journal article is available from LexisLibrary.
- Log into LexisLibrary with your student portal password by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Once logged in, select journals from the top menu, and enter the author and first few words of the title into the relevant search boxes.
Essential reading 5
Love, L.P. ‘The top ten reasons why mediators should not evaluate’, Florida State University Law Review 24(4) 1997, pp.937–48.
- This journal article is available in HeinOnline.
- Log into HeinOnline with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the title into the search box at the top of the homepage to find the article.
Topic 9
Essential reading 1
Briggs, J. ‘Mediation privilege? Part one’, New Law Journal 159(7363) 2009, p.506.
Briggs, J. ‘Mediation privilege? Part two’, New Law Journal 159(7364-5) 2009, p.550
- These journal articles are available from LexisLibrary.
- Log into LexisLibrary with your student portal password by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Once logged in, select journals from the top menu, and enter the author and first couple of words of the title into the relevant search boxes.
Topic 10
Topic 11
Topic 12
Topic 13
Essential reading 2
Brazil, W.D. ‘Early neutral evaluation or mediation? When might ENE deliver more value?’, Dispute Resolution Magazine 14 2007, pp.10–5.
- This journal article is available in HeinOnline.
- Log into HeinOnline with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the title into the search box at the top of the homepage to find the article.
Essential reading 3
Levine, D.I. ‘Early neutral evaluation: the second phase’, Journal of Dispute Resolution 1 1989, pp.1–57.
- This journal article is available in HeinOnline.
- Log into HeinOnline with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the title into the search box at the top of the homepage to find the article.
Topic 14
Essential reading 2
Lindeman, K. ‘Unravelling settlements made with “eyes wide open”: Zurich Insurance Co Plc v Hayward’, Civil Justice Quarterly 36(3) 2017, pp.273–80.
- This journal article is available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the article title into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal article.
Topic 15
Essential reading 3
Dundas, H.R. ‘A rare case: an expert determination is set aside’, Arbitration 81(4) 2015, pp.469–73.
- This journal article is available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Select options, and select journal articles (to only search for journal articles).
- Enter the author and first few words of the article title into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal article.
Topic 16
Essential reading 1
Blackaby, N., C. Partasides, A. Redfern and M. Hunter Redfern and Hunter on international arbitration. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015) 6th edition. Chapter 1 An overview of international arbitration.
- This ebook is avaiable from Kluwer Arbitration.
- Please note: to access Kluwer Arbitration you need to request a password from the Online Library.
- You will find a link to Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration on the left side of the Kluwer Arbitration home page under books.
- Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration is also available from Westlaw, in the Books section.
Topic 17
Essential reading 1
Blackaby, N., C. Partasides, A. Redfern and M. Hunter Redfern and Hunter on international arbitration. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015) 6th edition. Chapter 2 Agreement to arbitrate.
See Topic 16 reading guidance.
Topic 18
Essential reading 1
Moses, M.L. The principles and practice of international commercial arbitration. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017) 3rd edition. Chapters 6 The tribunal and 7 The arbitral proceedings.
- This ebook is available in Cambridge Core where you can log in with your student portal password, and begin your search for the ebook.
- Once logged in search for the author and first few words of the title using the search box on the home page.
- Ensure that you select the 3rd. edition of the book.
- Alternatively, go directly to the book.
Essential reading 3
Trikha, S. ‘Procedural non-compliance in international commercial arbitration’, International Arbitration Law Review 18(5) 2015, pp.95–104.
- This journal article is available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the article title into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal article.
Essential reading 4
Rivkin, D.W. and S.J. Rowe ‘The role of the tribunal in controlling arbitral costs’, Arbitration – the International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management 81(2) 2015, pp.116–30.
- This journal article is available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the article title into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal article.
Essential reading 5
Jones, D. ‘The Roebuck Lecture, 9 June 2016: using costs orders to control the expense of international commercial arbitration’, Arbitration – the International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management 82(3) 2016, pp.291–301
- This journal article is available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the article title into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal article.
Essential reading 6
Wyss, L. ‘Expedient and efficient arbitrations need strong arbitrators – but how “strong” should[AB1] and may arbitrators get? Part I’, International Arbitration Law Review 20(2) 2017, pp.69–77.
Wyss, L. ‘Expedient and efficient arbitrations need strong arbitrators – but how “strong” should and may arbitrators get? Some thoughts on best practice in international commercial arbitration. Part II’, International Arbitration Law Review 20(3) 2017, pp.79–90
- These journal articles are available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and first few words of the article title into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal articles.
Topic 19
Essential reading 1
Blackaby, N., C. Partasides, A. Redfern and M. Hunter Redfern and Hunter on international arbitration. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015) 6th edition. Chapter 10 Challenge of arbitral awards
- See Topic 16 reading guidance.
Essential reading 2
Miles, W. and J. Li ‘Do England’s expansive grounds for recourse increase delay and interference in arbitration?’ Arbitration – the International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management 80(1) 2014, pp.35–47.
- This journal article is available from Westlaw.
- Log into Westlaw with your student portal password, by selecting University of London Online Library (Portal Login).
- Enter the author and a "expansive grounds" into the search box on the home page to retrieve the journal article.