Gale Reference Complete (Athens)


You can log into this database with an Online Library Athens account by clicking on the login button and selecting OpenAthens. If you need an Athens account, fill in the Athens request form.

Gale Reference Complete provides subscription access to the largest package or primary and secondary sources combining proprietary e-reference content from Gale. JCR-quality periodicals, literary criticism and full text literary works as well as rare primary source content from the vaults of the world's great libraries. This means that every student and researcher will find a rich store of relevant information to enhance their learning and research. Cross-search or browse the contents of over 1700 titles including: Encyclopaedias, almanacs, and specialized reference sources covering all subjects.

Gale Reference Complete contains several databases. You can find details on what each database contains on the Gale menu page after you login.

The databases include:

  • Book Review Index Plus
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library
  • Academic OneFile
  • General OneFile
  • InfoTrac Newsstand
  • Gale Primary Sources
  • NewsVault
  • 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection
  • Archives of Sexuality and Gender
  • The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive, 1902-2013
  • 19th Century UK Periodicals
  • British Library Newspapers
  • Nineteenth Century Collections Online
  • The Making of the Modern World
  • The Times Digital Archive