New database: JustisOne
We are pleased to announce that students can now access JustisOne.
The Online Library is a part of the University of London
We are pleased to announce that students can now access JustisOne.
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Online Library User Survey. We really value your feedback, and will use it to develop and enhance your Library service. We have contacted the three winners of the prize draw.
Click here to read the newsletter - In this issue we give you tips on finding journal articles, and updates on Ask a Librarian Live Chat and the Dawsons E-book Collection.
Updated 21st February: You should now be able log into ProQuest databases using either your Athens account or your student portal password again. To login to ProQuest from Summon search, please follow these steps:
Statista is an excellent resource for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information. It has statistics on a broad range of topics, including many industries and countries. Statista also provides a variety of reports and dossiers about more than 1000 topics.
Students who use MyAthens may notice that there is no longer an option to access Westlaw.
There is now a Subject Guide for each of the subject areas covered by the EMFSS programmes. You can access the Subject Guides via the EMFSS gateway in the Other Useful Links section.
The next time you login to Westlaw using your Athens account, you may be asked for your name and email address. This is part of an upgrade by Westlaw on Saturday the 16th of December. You do not need to provide your email address.
Once you have done this, you will see new features:
Please note that ebooks in the Dawsons Ebook Collection cannot currently be downloaded onto Apple devices. Dawsons are aware of the problem and will make a change to their system on the 31st of October to fix it.
Click here to read the newsletter - In this issue we give you an update on what's new with the Online Library, including new resources, an improvement to Summon search and a new liv